Tagged: wall paint

Another stroke on the wall, Non-profit grabs brush to paint, graffiti across Karachi, Art of Love and Peace, Wall Paint of Love and Peace, Karachi Wall Paint of Love and Peace, Karachi Wall art, wall art, wall paint, wall painting, karachi wall painting, art, pakistan, peace, pakistan peace, pakart, pakartorg, non-profit organisation, Abdoz Arts,

Paint of Love and Peace

Determined to reclaim Karachi wall by wall, a non-profit organisation has started painting over hate speech sprayed across the city and replacing it with words of love and peace. Abdoz Arts, a non-profit organisation,...

Painting it Green

Karachi, once known as the city of lights, has now been blighted by the general apathy of its residents. The streets wear the look of a garbage dump and no wall is allowed to...