Group Exhibaion Young Artists Put on Display

ISLAMABAD: Imperfection – a group show by Lahore-based young artists, was put on display here Friday at Rohtas Art Gallery featuring unique art techniques by experimenting with the medium. Ahsan Masood, Amra Khan, Maria Khan, Mohsin Shafi and Sarah Mumtaz are among the artists questioning the ‘Perfect’ with their artistic skills through captivating images. The main idea behind the exhibition is the effort to bring about a social change through art. Mohsin Shafi uses television frames to outline the text that expresses people’s sense of frustration while watching television. He says, “My work is about instant communication that has made everybody isolated with the passage of time and too much communication creates misconceptions”. Amra Khan’s work is colorful that draws attention to the hypocrisy in the society. Ahsan Masood, who teaches at the NCA, exhibits paintings related to the issues detached from the cultural, religious and social context. Sara’s work is a critique on what the society perceives to be ‘normal’ and its definition of ‘abnormal. The show continues till December 10. app. Daily Times

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  1. Orlando says:

    Quality information, I am browsing back again on a regular to search for updates.